Thursday, March 21, 2013

Comment Moderation

Greetings Friends.  We are receiving a lot of spam, and robot comments.  Therefore we've set our comments to be moderated.  This means you will post a comment, and we will be given a chance to review it before it is released.  This will help protect the integrity of the blog, and will help to avoid the spread of any viruses or spam.  Please check back often, our goal is to respond to as many comments as possible! 

 Thank you for your interest!

1 Day and a Lifetime to Go!


  1. what types of juices are you drinking? Can you post some recipes?

  2. Anonymous. Thank you for your request. We have two recipes on the site right now. I will be posting a few more in the next few days. We will also be working on a repository for recipes we have tried and liked! Feel free to email us if you have any further questions or requests!
