Monday, March 25, 2013

Choosing the Right Bottle

juicing, cure for diabetes, cure for IBS, cure for chronic disease, Blender bottle, sportmixer

36 days ago when we started the juice fast we ran into several questions that we had not anticipated.  Today's entry will discuss choosing a storage container/bottle for your juice on the move!  Mrs. Avenger set out on the Internet and in local stores to find a BPA free bottle.  She found the Blender bottle sport mixer and we have both been 100% satisfied. I realize this may sound like an infomercial.  We have no contact with this company or anyone selling this product. This is simply a customer review.

We haven't found many water bottles, or containers, much like this one.  Below are just a few things that we enjoy about these bottles:
  • Air Tight seal. These bottles have never leaked. The top screws on securely, and most important the opening seals with perfection.
  • reasonable grip. We've used these in the gym and in spin class, and never drop them. The grip is comfortable for tired and sore hands. 
  • No flavor retention.  With the juices we were a bit concerned that the contents would take on yesterday's flavor and smell... and we've had some smelly juices.  But, to our delight, we never have to worry about that with these.
  • Economically priced! Mrs. Avenger bought ours either at Target or Wal Mart.
  • The Blender Ball!  We absolutely love this simplistic solution!  The bottle has a removable ball that blends your shakes, juices, and whatever else you want to blend perfectly. 
Overall, These bottles have surpassed our needs for this juicing experience. I've seldom felt the urge to talk so much about a bottle..unless we are talking about Wine...  but that's a story for a different juicing day!  Good luck!  We would be interested to hear of any other bottles that have worked for you! 


  1. You are an inspiration! You have achieved where many have failed. Keep on Trukin' I want my lasers. Buzz

  2. After trying several store I was able to find the blender bottle at Bed, Bath and Beyond for under 7$. Thanks Ray for the support and guidance. Day one in the bag.

  3. Anonymous, Congratulations on starting your Juice journey! We'd love to hear how it goes for you! Glad you found these bottles they have been helpful for ours! Good Luck, and be sure to let us know how it goes!
