Saturday, February 1, 2014

Emerging Details on Possible Extraordinary Health Benefits of Camel Milk

Juice Avenger has been away for a while, while we focused on a move from the United States to the United Arab Emirates.  It's been a roller coaster for the JA family, but we are getting to a point where we think we can return to regular posts and conversations here on the blog!

Since arriving in the UAE in 2013, I've heard talk of Camel Milk, and I've also heard some of the potential extraordinary health benefits associated with this "non-dairy" milk.  I have heard that it is being used in the treatment of ADD, ADHD, Autism, Diabetes, Gestational Diabetes, and many more chronic illnesses that seem to plague ourselves, friends, and families.

On a recent desert safari with extraordinary Bedouin hosts in the Abu Dhabi Emirate the health benefits of Camel Milk became abundantly clear.  The evening entailed falcon hunting, a visit to the famed Abu Dhabi pure bred camel facility, dune bashing on ATV's followed by an amazing desert feast.  Prior to dinner our hosts freshly milked a camel, filled a tea pot with the milk, and boiled it over our camp fire, as we sat around, on plush cushions and seated on soft hand woven rugs,  enjoying the cool desert breeze, excellent company, and engaging in a deeper understanding of this ancient culture.  In a brief time the camel milk was ready, and the western guests waited in anticipation to try the creamy delight. 

As our hosts poured the hot steamy, fired cooked Camel milk, conversations broke out around the fire regarding the many health benefits, some I'd never heard.  Good for male virility, antibiotics, childhood disorders, stomach and intestinal health... the list went on and on.... and before we took the first sip of the milk, in almost an apologetic tone, we were told that it would be slightly salty.

It was NOT what I had feared, yes, Camel Milk is an acquired taste, but it was pleasant. If the health benefits are even one quarter true (which I believe they are), it is well worth training the taste buds to accept.  And frankly it was not so bad. A little salty, very creamy, and smooth.

Following my amazing evening in the desert I set out to find some answers to my questions regarding Camel Milk.  From what I have found, the science community is just begining to engage on this subject.

In the interest of full disclosure, it appears that the jury is still out as to the full potential of the milk.  From my reading however, there is clear evidence that Camel Milk is a healthy and recommended dietary supplement.

Known Nutritional Information:  2% fat, 5 times more calcium per serving than Cow's milk, 3 times the amount of OMEGA 3 and 6 compared to Cow's Milk, Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Naturally Ocurring Pro-Biotic, Contains High Levels of Protein and Insulin.

Below are just a couple of the potential health benefits based on articles, journals, and blogs.  Warning. Consult an actual physician before making this part of your diet. I am just some guy on the street, who wants to believe there are better ways to control chronic illness without relying totally on medication, but note that Medication is an important part of treatment, and believe that modern and ancient medicine have much to learn from each other:

Camel milk in diabetes//IT CONTAINS INSULIN!!!! : According to  Miracle Milk (and several other articles). The excerpt below was taken from the above-mentioned article.

"Insulin, produced by the β cells of the pancreas, plays a key role in sugar metabolism. In type I diabetes, no insulin is produced, in type II diabetes, insulin is produced, but the body’s cells are less sensitive to the effects of insulin. Insufficient insulin results in an increased blood sugar level. Camel milk contains a protein that is similar to insulin5,6. Camel milk also has an inflammation-inhibiting effect on the β cells of the pancreas. The insulin-like protein and the inflammation-inhibiting properties can explain the results of animal experimental7, epidemiological8,7 and clinical research6, which show that camel milk is good for people with diabetes."

We have also been reading through articles, publications, and blog posts regarding the effects of Camel Milk in the treatment of Austism, ADD and ADHD.  I find the results to be inconclusive, and filled with heated debate.  So, I open the discussion up to our readers. 

Juice Avenger currently lives in Abu Dhabi, Camel Milk is available in abundance here.  We will continue to search out availability options for companies capable of shipping and delivering! 

If you are effected by Diabetes, Autism, ADD, ADHD, or any other chronic illness or allergy and you have used Camel milk as part of your dietary supplement, what are/were the results?

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Disturbing video of Animal Processing

We have often heard stories of how inhumanely animals, raised as produce, are treated. I've seen some documentaries, and heard stories floating around the Internet.  Most societies and religions have standards on the processing of animals for food, and it always centers on respect for the animal, although we seem to be stepping back from those standards due to consumer demand.  The attached video is very disturbing and highlights where we are going as consumers. It is not for the faint of heart!!!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Finding Health and Fitness on a Tight Time Budget

So, you want to get healthy.  You want nothing more than to shed those extra pounds, firm up those flabby buns, and to feel good about yourself.

You've done everything you can nutritionally.  You've stopped eating processed junk.  You've tried juicing, gone vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian.  You've tried the 17, 20, 30 and 60 day diets. You remember days when you could hit the gym for a few hours a day, or go out for a walk, run, bike ride or swim.

But life has happened friends, and you find yourself living in a time vacuum. You work 10-12 hour days, have a 4 hour daily commute, have to get your kids to dance, sports, church etc.  Then you come home to clean up and prepare for the next day.  Where has the time to focus on your health gone?  It's getting harder and harder to find time in your daily schedule to do anything for yourself!  You've heard Oprah say time and time again to find your spirit.... and the only thing you think when you hear that now is... Man... if I found my spirit there would be two of us to accomplish the things I have to do in a day's time!

The truth is that it just plain sucks! It isn't fair, and there doesn't seem to be much we can do about it short of quitting our jobs, selling our kids on the black market, and moving off with the preppers in the mountains of South Dakota (are there mountains in South Dakota?)

This has been my life over the past 10 weeks.  I've had limited time to make it to the gym, limited time to properly prep my meals, and I'm getting (at most) 4 hours of sleep a night.  This is NOT success in the making, or even healthy.  But it's the predicament that I find myself in.  I often feel sorry for myself, and make excuses when I mess up. But, there has to be a way to fix it...right? 

I honestly don't know.  I do know that many of us are in the same boat.  We are all suffering a little at the hands of many masters.  It's not that we don't WANT to do well, and do better.  It's that we are too exhausted to even make the time to heal, or to make good and healthy choices.

I've been through many periods in my life like this one.  I often backslide into fast food, and comfy time on the couch.  This time I refuse!  I am making the healthiest choices available at work and on the road, I am NOT participating in the daily donut/bagel routine in my office, and I refuse to fall victim to the terrible road munchies during a hellish commute.  Well, I fall victim to the munchies, but have placed convenient healthy and raw treats like almonds in the car for when desperate times call for desperate measures... No more convenience store stops!  And ONLY water!

The real trick is not finding time, or making time, but SCHEDULING time for your health and fitness.  I heard this in a great sermon at our church regarding prayer and spiritual time, and it applies to health and fitness just as much.  We need to prioritize our lives, and figure out what really is important to us.  Where can we cut the fat (pardon the pun... unless you really got a belly laugh out of that... in which case.... you are welcome for the pun).  What is it in our lives that is taking up valueable time, that we can cut? 

If 30 minutes a day can completely change our physiology.... where can that 30 minutes be found In our day?  We have DVR's and recorders now....  so don't tell me you can't find another time to watch Ellen, Dr. Phil, the Voice, or one of those "reality" shows where unlikely people live together and live even unhealthier lifestyles than we do! 

I've taken to keeping a gym bag packed in my car for when I can sneak away.  I keep my bike by the front door and ready to go for when I can run out the front door before the wife, boys, dog, cats, or telephone can grab my attention and set me on a destructive off course track! 

I write this as I am in the middle of chaos like you cannot imagine.  I have made less time for blogging, and more time for concentrating on work, family and fitness.  I'm writing today torn between home and gym... Today... You and the blog have won.  It's important for us all to hear this sometimes.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  Life is hard for all of us, and we have tough choices to make everyday!

Bounce Back!  Don't let it get you down, don't let it defeat you!  Plan for a time when you can get yourself back on track!  I know that in a few weeks my life will be mostly back to normal. I am looking forward to getting back to the gym, and back on the juice to make sure that I can find the proper balance again! But I also know that there are several of you out there with harder schedules than mine and no end in sight!  I urge you to reach out to friends, neighbors, anyone that can help you find some time in the day to find freedom from the treachery of daily life! 

Find your spirit and slap it around a bit for letting you get so far off track!  Take ownership and responsibility over your daily planner.  There is time, really! It's just a matter of figuring out what is more important, checking off another "TO DO", or finding time to be a better YOU!

One Day and a Lifetime to Go!!!!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Special Deal for Juice Avenger Readers!


Great News Avengers! OneVessel Drinkware (OUR FAVORITE DRINKWARE) has offered our readers a special discount on their products. Between now and June 30, 2013 Juice Avengers will receive 15% off of their drinkware. 

Go to their website and enter the Juice Avenger code: "ZOMBIEJUICE" into the discount code box available upon your online checkout. Go to to search the products.

You may recall a few weeks ago The One Vessel Glass Zombie Tumbler inspired a Juice Avenger original recipe: This coupon is just one way that One Vessel reached out to thank us and our readers!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

What About the Pulp? With Mrs. Juice Avenger


What about the pulp?  Isn’t that wasteful?  These are the most common questions I get asked when someone engages me in a discussion on juicing.  Most are mystified as to why it can be helpful NOT to have all of that fiber material in the juice.  Once that question is settled, the matter turns to what to do with the pulp. 

Firstly, for those of you concerned that you aren’t getting any fiber in your juice let me assuage your fears.  The soluble fiber is extracted into the juice.  If you are still eating and juicing you obviously get additional fiber from the foods you are consuming.  This point seems to be especially troubling to those preparing to embark on a juice only fast.  While the lack of insoluble fiber in our diet on a long-term basis would be detrimental to our health, on a short term basis during a juice fast, it assists our body to easily absorb all of those wonderful micro nutrients without the digestive system having to work so hard to get them.  So basically, getting the insoluble fiber out of the way gives the nutrients an express train to your cells where they can do their work to repair the cells and get you looking and feeling great!  One of the first benefits you may notice when you juice is clearer skin!  What great external proof that the extra plant nutrition is doing its job!

Okay, hopefully I have convinced you that you can live without some of that fiber.  We now turn to what to do with what is left.  When the Juice Avenger and I began our 10 day reboot (see Reboot with Joe for some excellent plans) I took Joe Cross’ suggestion and put a bag in the pulp container on the juicer and froze the leftover in freezer bags vowing that I would add it to a spaghetti sauce or bake it into bread.  The reality for me was that I quickly realized I would never get around to using any of those bags in the freezer.  Partly because I found pulp recipes labor intensive, also because I wasn’t brave enough to just throw it in a sauce, and partly because most of the recipes I found called for a specific type of pulp or all veggie and mine was very mixed.  So, I quit saving it, and began to throw it away.  I had much guilt for doing this.  One morning, I remembered our compost bucket we had as a kid and wondered why I had completely forgotten about composting when deciding the fate of the pulp.  My neighbor has a fancy compost bin on a frame that you can turn to aid in aerating the compost and assisting it in breaking down more quickly, so I initially began saving the days plant waste from juicing and whatever else we ate and collecting it in a bucket for Dave.  Then I decided that there was no reason he should get all that wonderful waste (sorry Dave) and began to look at how I could compost it myself.

As a kid, I grew up in the middle of nowhere on several acres in Western, NY.  Composting required no fancy equipment (if it was even available, we sure wouldn’t have known it) so we used an old bowl to collect during the day and dumped it in a remote corner of the yard.  Nature takes its course from there and my parents had their very own supply of free nutrient rich soil.  (Even if you don’t garden (as we didn’t and don’t) you are still enriching the earth for whatever grows there naturally which will then feed wildlife, etc. etc.)   If you have the space in your yard this is still the easiest way to compost and it is free!  If you have space constraints or an HOA that would frown on your rotting pile of veg, you may still be able to get away with an open pile of compost.  The smell can be thwarted with some fresh grass clippings piled on top of the compost.  A two inch layer of compost clippings will also help to discourage fruit flies, disguise the pile, and activate the decomposition process.  You can also place your pile somewhere that you plan to plant so that you don’t even have to do the work of moving the sol. It is important to remember that compost soil should be added to and not be the sole component of your planting soil. 

If you prefer to have a compost bin for any reason there are a multitude of options.  The most economical is to build a bin yourself.   We are handicraft challenged so I will simply point you here for a great step by step guide.  The people at Earth Easy also have some additional helpful composting tips.  If you too are handicraft challenged there are dozens of prefab bins beginning with the most economical pre-made version of a wooden bin you would construct yourself to fancy plastic bins from the simple to the rotating.  I will not bore you with all of those options here.  A quick Google search for compost bin will bring them up for you.

So, you are ready to compost and have figured out what to do with it, but are wondering where to hold it in the house until you bring it outside.  I continue to hold my compost as we did as kids in a large plastic bowl, sometimes a gallon pitcher.  I like free!  There are almost as many options for inside compost containers as there are the actual composting bins. I have seen larger plastic pails that can be useful as they are like diaper pails for compost.  Odor free, and do not need to be emptied daily.   If you would like something attractive and covered or want to choose something larger, again a quick Google search for compost pail and/or compost crock will give you a myriad of options one of which I will likely eventually invest in myself.  In the meantime, the open container of yuck goes under the kitchen sink!   

If you are unsure as to what exactly you can and can’t compost, read on!   Obviously any fruit and vegetable peelings, pulp, cut ends; spoiled produce, etc. can be composted.  I recently had some whole potatoes go bad and wondered what to do about those.  They can go in as well, though it is better to cut them up to reduce odor and speed up decomposition.  You can also compost coffee grounds and egg shells.  I also once threw in leftover spaghetti (no meat) and other cooked vegetable leftovers.  I later questioned the wisdom of that and found that the answer for your backyard compost pile is no.  That day’s bucket of compost had to go in the trash.  If veggies were steamed with no oil, butter or salt added they are fine to add to compost, but meat, salt, oils and butters will all interfere negatively with the composting process and/or add harmful bacteria.  You should also know that your compost pile may steam.  That is fantastic!  It means you have lots of decomposers doing their job and your pile is decomposing effectively!

Now, if you are still wondering why in the world I wouldn’t have used that pulp in the freezer and are dreaming up great things you can do with it, you rock!  Stretching that food further is awesome and you clearly have motivation I do not currently possess!  Here are a few links to other blogs where they give some great uses and recipes for the pulp:

If you do reuse the pulp, please share your successful reuses.   I would like to give it a try at some point. 

I hope I have given you a one stop shop for your questions about all that pulp!  Bottom Line:  Don’t throw that pulp in the landfill.  There are so many better options!  Happy juicing, pulp re purposing and composting!  As always, we here at Juice Avenger love to hear our reader’s comments, tips and successful juicing (and pulp using) adventures!

1 Day and a Lifetime to go!!!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Jason's Amazing Transformation!

Cure Diabetes, Weightloss, inspiration, fitness, juicing, diet, gym, fitocracy
FORWARD:  I recently asked my good friend Jason to share the story of his amazing transformation.  As I've said in previous posts, I don't believe that juicing is the only way to achieve your nutritional and fitness goals. It just happens to be the thing that worked for me.  For Jason it was a complete lifestyle change in diet, exercise, and mentality.  Jason's story goes to the core for the reason I started this blog.  Normal guys/gals who have decided to make a change who take charge of their life while navigating the maze of "healthformation overload."  Jason's ongoing journey and success is nothing short of inspirational. We both hope that his story will motivate other's to get moving in the right direction. You can learn more about Jason and his journey on his blog:  1 Day and a lifetime to go!
     Hi there.  My name is Jason.  I’m a little unsure how to begin writing this thing for Juice Avenger.  I guess my hesitation comes from the fact that I haven’t finished my “transformation” by any means.  In fact I tend to be relatively down on what I perceive as my lack of progress and backsliding in my quest to get fit.  However, it is clear that over the past decade I’ve made a lot of progress and changed my body pretty significantly, even if it doesn’t always feel that way. 

                I am currently 33 years old, 6’6”, and 287 pounds.  I was always big as a kid—I grew fast and was six feet tall when I started high school.  I was also always overweight.  I recall being pretty fat as a younger kid, but I know for sure that when I got to high school I became extremely overweight.  Even though I played sports, I was terribly unhealthy—not just overweight, but asthmatic and weak.  I used to have RIDICULOUS eating habits, like stopping at a fast food joint after school and eating a huge meal in between lunch and dinner, spending a week’s worth of school lunches on Pizza Day at school, eating boxes of Swiss Cake Rolls and drinking  Coke by the two-liter.  These habits pretty much continued in college, except I didn’t eat quite as much fast food because I spent that money on beer, vodka, cigarettes, and drugs instead.  I don’t recall even drinking a glass of water in college.  I met  Ray (the Juice Avenger) when we were working for the same pizza place while I was in college and after I graduated.  It was a great job for a fat guy because I got discount pizza, got to eat pizza at work, and got to take home screwed up orders on occasion to eat later.  So suffice it to say I was extremely unhealthy.

                Eventually I got a corporate job and moved away from my college town.  I was also fortunate enough to meet my wonderful wife and get married.  I stopped doing drugs and drinking so much.  As we started our more “adult” lives, we began to get concerned about our health and the future.  I think at this point I will answer the questions provided to me.

Where did you begin the journey (weight, fitness, etc)?
                When I began being concerned about my weight and health, I probably weighed close to 400 pounds.  I never weighed myself then but I’m sure I was north of 350.  I was also a smoker, a soda addict, and suffered from hypertension. 

What made you decide to change your lifestyle?
                In my job as a social worker I was exposed to a lot of consequences of long term bad decisions.  I saw people with diabetes, diabetic hypertension, heart disease, destroyed joints, etc.  I think that had a lot to do with it, along with just being tired of being tired, fat, and sick all the time.  When I was younger I didn’t realize it so much, but as I got older I realized I basically felt like crap all the time.

How did you change your lifestyle?
                In the beginning, my wife and I became vegetarians, which had a dramatic effect on our dietary choices.  We began to learn to like vegetables, and avoid fast food.   After I quit smoking (which was a struggle and I have had numerous slips over the years), we decided to work towards a goal of running a 5k.  So we started a program to get us up to running a 5k, which seemed like an impossible goal for me.  After all, I was the guy who couldn’t slowly run a mile in high school football; the guy who had to stop and use his asthma inhaler during sprints at the end of every practice.  But we stuck it out and gradually crept up from running a half mile to running 3 miles, and successfully ran in a 5k, which felt great.  It was probably the first time I had set a fitness goal and achieved it.  During this time I had also sort of casually tried to lift weights, but eventually I got more serious about it and began to devote some brain power to getting better at it and improving on that level.  

What dietary changes have you made?

                I have been a strict vegetarian, a low-carber, a slow-carber, and a lot of different dietary things over the years.  Full disclosure, I have never juiced (in either sense of the word).  But what works for me now is pretty simple.  I track calories and try to hit a protein goal.  I try to eat grass-fed beef and small amounts of locally-sourced meat rather than pounds of crappy feedlot meat.  My wife and I eat a lot of fresh vegetables, organic when possible, local when possible.  We eat mostly whole foods and avoid things that are heavily processed.  I do feel that limiting carbohydrates is important for weight loss, but I don’t go extremely low-carb or worry about “ketosis” or anything like that.  I avoid most sugar regardless of label (white, brown, raw, agave nectar, etc) and try to limit grains and flour.  That’s pretty much it.  For me, tracking really works because I still can’t trust my body’s signals about hunger, they’re pretty screwed up.  Especially with carbs and bread—I could eat an entire large pizza and be hungry an hour later!  So the tracker helps me get my brain involved rather than just my instincts.

What fitness routines have you added?

                I am a huge proponent of strength training.  I think there is a lot of resistance to heavy barbell training, but it has worked the best for me.  Right now I weight train 3-4 times a week with a program based around compound lifts like bench, squat, deadlift, and overhead press.  For those that are familiar, I do Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program.  I follow up the main lift with higher-volume accessory work.  I also do conditioning work with kettlebells and barbell complexes.  In warmer weather, my wife and I ride our bikes and walk our dogs; I also plan to start running again now that it has finally warmed up.  My main point here is that there is no conflict between training for strength and weight loss.  I think a lot of times people think of weight loss in terms of “burning calories” and think that strength training is irrelevant if you “just want to lose weight not get jacked.”  But getting strong, besides being tremendously rewarding itself, also can’t help but make positive changes to your body.  And really, none of us wants just a pure number on the scale—we want to look and feel good.  For me, strength training has made me feel better, improved how I look, improved how my joints work, and basically been the best thing I’ve done for myself in years. 

What gains/losses have you seen?

                Over the past 10 years, I’ve definitely gone down around 100 pounds.  This represents long periods of yo-yo dieting, figuring things out, getting frustrated, abandoning all diet and exercise, etc.  I feel like my real progress happened in the last 3-4 years as I began to lift more systematically and regularly, and moved out of the 300s (I hope permanently).  I have also gained tremendously in strength from where I started, to the point where I am beginning to think of myself as “strong.”  Numbers don’t really matter but I can bench 225, squat 225, and deadlift 385.  I can also make it through a 30-minute kettlebell circuit masterminded by the devil himself (Ron at the Lansing YMCA) and run 3 miles.  A big step for me was actually to be able to do pushups and dips, exercises I was never able to perform until I was in my 30s.  I also used to suffer from severe back pain, which is basically gone.  My asthma inhaler mostly sits in my pocket unused (except during high pollen count days).  I’m not a rampaging caffeine addict and have broken my addiction to diet sodas and energy drinks.  Overall, I feel GREAT even though I still have some weight to lose.

What are your goals?

                I’m having a bit of trouble settling on a goal weight.  Right now, my goal is to take about 30 more pounds off and reevaluate at that point.  I’m not quite sure where I’ll end up, but I’ve learned not to be so stressed out about it.  I am satisfied with continuing to lose weight while being healthy and getting good numbers on my blood work—cholesterol, blood sugar, testosterone, etc are all good as per my last checkup.  I also have some strength goals I’d like to accomplish, but they are secondary to my weight loss goal right now.  This year I’d like to achieve a chin-up (I’ve never done on) and deadlift 405.  Next year I’d like to participate in a powerlifting meet just for fun.  I’d also like to do a Warrior Dash, but I’m not sure if it will be this year or next year.

What advice do you have for someone sitting there thinking about making a change?

                Not to sound clichéd, but just do it.  I mean, you have to start at some point.  Analysis-paralysis can set in on these things, but you don’t have to start “perfectly” to make improvement in your life.  You will make mistakes in figuring out what works for you—don’t worry about it!  It’s pretty unlikely you will do permanent damage to yourself if you try a diet that doesn’t work for you or try an exercise program that doesn’t pan out for you.  You can start small, but I wouldn’t start too small.  Some people do better with a dramatic gesture, other people do better ramping up slowly.  Don’t beat yourself up for slipping, but don’t let yourself off TOO easy either.  I would recommend trying to use social support to make a change, whether that’s a site like to track your fitness progress, or one of the many food tracking sites with social aspects, or just telling your friends and family that you are making a change.  Any physical, mental, financial, etc limitation can be overcome—you don’t need to be able to complete P90X workouts to get in shape, you don’t need to be able to afford a gym or organic food, you don’t need a Fitbit or Nike+ or any gadgets at all in order to do it.   You just need some motivation and a willingness to apply your mental abilities to the task of improving your fitness. 
     Thanks very much to Juice Avenger for allowing me to ramble on about my story.  If you are interested in my journey, you can follow my own blog (which I am restarting thanks to this motivation) at, or follow me as jmiracle on Fitocracy.  Thanks for reading, and remember that some clichés are deeper than they appear—one day at a time, the only thing stopping you is you, etc, etc. 

Friday, April 26, 2013


It has been 65 days since I started the juice journey.  In short, it has not only changed my life but has also SAVED my life.  I am free of Diabetes medications, I continue to drop weight and I feel great.  The unexpected outcome is how I now view food, compared to how I viewed food prior to this grand experiment. 

In place of metformin and other medications I am managing Diabetes through diet and exercise. I must therefore consider the food that I take in as my medication. If I plan to maintain my health through diet and exercise there is little wiggle room.

I maintain that juicing is not the only way to find freedom from chronic illness, it is just one way, one step, and one piece of the puzzle.  Luckily for me I found the documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly dead" by Joe Cross, and the Drew Canole, "Juicing Vegetables" Facebook page and decided to give it a try. It has worked miraculously for me. Regardless of the plan all that matters is taking a leap of faith, a first step. Choosing one of the many paths available in this world of "healthformation overload" is the only way you can expect to find success.

The secret to success is making a complete lifestyle change and changing your frame of mind.  First, I'd love to do away with the concept of DIETING as we define it today.  Our concept of dieting indicates that there is a finite number of days to a prescribed program, a beginning and an end.  We all know how these "fad diets" end.  Eating paleo, alkaline, vegetarian, vegan, Juicing, the 17 Day etc..  do little good if we return to our old ways after a brief 15, 17, 30, 60 day experiment.

We live in a commercial environment that provides cheap, easy, and fast food options.  Most of which are not healthy, or in many cases, not even in our food chain.  Until we remove these from our diet, from our available food chain there is no hope of sustainable transformation.

I had a reader, and new friend, Mr. Leo Morales Sr.  comment recently on an article that I wrote (Diabetes Meds Removed). I stated that I had enjoyed the juice fast, but that I would leave some wiggle room in the near future to have a cheeseburger when it was all over.  Mr. Morales responded:
"That's great to hear! But when you go back to refined flours, meat and sugary drinks as you say "leaving some wiggle room. Sure, I will have a burger at the end of my 60 day", you will have fallen back to exactly what got you there. There just isn't a way to leave any wiggle room when making such a change for health reasons. I suggest changing lifestyle completely to vegan and forsake all the normal American diet food."

I appreciated Mr. Morales' comment at the time for what it was.  His words sat heavily on my heart throughout the week however.  Would I continue to practice what I've been preaching after the juice fast?  Would I make the full lifestyle change?  Is there really wiggle room for a recovering diabetic? 

The answer came loud and clear while I lay awake last night thinking about the future of my transition.  No. There simply is no wiggle room when it comes to my health.  My friend was 100% correct.  Reform is reform. There is no place for nutritional backsliding, or even a temporary return to an old lifestyle.

This was not a diet this was a true transformation.  This was a wake up call and a lifestyle change combined.  Scientists state that the human body's cell structure transforms, on average, every 6 months.  I have spent two short months, transforming my body with impressive results. Why not continue to give my cells the proper nutrition they need to truly transform and completely heal.

Thank you to all of my friends and readers for the incredible outpouring of positive thoughts, energy, comments, and support over the last 2 months! I hope that you will all stay with me as I continue this fitness and nutrition journey.  I look forward to hearing and sharing your stories in hopes that we can all continue to learn from one another

Special thanks, again, to Mr. Leo Morales for having the courage and discernment to speak the words I needed to hear! Endless praise to Joe Cross, and the Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead Crew. Continued appreciation to Drew Canole and our friends at "Juicing Vegetables on Facebook for continuing to pay it forward!